/* * @(#)Disassembler.java 2.1 2003/10/07 * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 D.A. Watt and D.F. Brown * Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland * and School of Computer and Math Sciences, The Robert Gordon University, * St. Andrew Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HG, Scotland. * All rights reserved. * * This software is provided free for educational use only. It may * not be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission * of the authors. */ package triangle.abstractMachine; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; /** * Disassembles the TAM code in the given file, and displays the instructions on * standard output. * * For example: * *
 *   java TAM.Disassembler obj.tam
* *

* Copyright 1991 David A. Watt, University of Glasgow
* Copyright 1998 Deryck F. Brown, The Robert Gordon University

* */ public class Disassembler { static String objectName; static int CT; /** * Writes the r-field of an instruction in the form "lregr", where l and * r are the bracket characters to use. * * @param leftbracket the character to print before the register. * @param r the number of the register. * @param rightbracket the character to print after the register. */ private static void writeR(char leftbracket, Register r, char rightbracket) { System.out.print(leftbracket); System.out.print(r.toString()); System.out.print(rightbracket); } private static void writeR(char leftBracket, int r, char rightBracket) { var register = Register.values()[r]; writeR(leftBracket, register, rightBracket); } /** * Writes a void n-field of an instruction. */ private static void blankN() { System.out.print(" "); } // Writes the n-field of an instruction. /** * Writes the n-field of an instruction in the form "(n)". * * @param n the integer to write. */ private static void writeN(int n) { System.out.print("(" + n + ") "); if (n < 10) System.out.print(" "); else if (n < 100) System.out.print(" "); } /** * Writes the d-field of an instruction. * * @param d the integer to write. */ private static void writeD(int d) { System.out.print(d); } /** * Writes the name of primitive routine with relative address d. * * @param d the displacment of the primitive routine. */ private static void writePrimitive(int d) { var primitive = Primitive.values()[d]; switch (primitive) { case ID: System.out.print("id "); break; case NOT: System.out.print("not "); break; case AND: System.out.print("and "); break; case OR: System.out.print("or "); break; case SUCC: System.out.print("succ "); break; case PRED: System.out.print("pred "); break; case NEG: System.out.print("neg "); break; case ADD: System.out.print("add "); break; case SUB: System.out.print("sub "); break; case MULT: System.out.print("mult "); break; case DIV: System.out.print("div "); break; case MOD: System.out.print("mod "); break; case LT: System.out.print("lt "); break; case LE: System.out.print("le "); break; case GE: System.out.print("ge "); break; case GT: System.out.print("gt "); break; case EQ: System.out.print("eq "); break; case NE: System.out.print("ne "); break; case EOL: System.out.print("eol "); break; case EOF: System.out.print("eof "); break; case GET: System.out.print("get "); break; case PUT: System.out.print("put "); break; case GETEOL: System.out.print("geteol "); break; case PUTEOL: System.out.print("puteol "); break; case GETINT: System.out.print("getint "); break; case PUTINT: System.out.print("putint "); break; case NEW: System.out.print("new "); break; case DISPOSE: System.out.print("dispose "); break; } } /** * Writes the given instruction in assembly-code format. * * @param instr the instruction to display. */ private static void writeInstruction(Instruction instr) { switch (instr.opCode) { case LOAD: System.out.print("LOAD "); writeN(instr.length); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); break; case LOADA: System.out.print("LOADA "); blankN(); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); break; case LOADI: System.out.print("LOADI "); writeN(instr.length); break; case LOADL: System.out.print("LOADL "); blankN(); writeD(instr.operand); break; case STORE: System.out.print("STORE "); writeN(instr.length); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); break; case STOREI: System.out.print("STOREI"); writeN(instr.length); break; case CALL: System.out.print("CALL "); if (instr.register == Register.PB) { blankN(); writePrimitive(instr.operand); } else { writeR('(', instr.length, ')'); System.out.print(" "); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); } break; case CALLI: System.out.print("CALLI "); break; case RETURN: System.out.print("RETURN"); writeN(instr.length); writeD(instr.operand); break; case PUSH: System.out.print("PUSH "); blankN(); writeD(instr.operand); break; case POP: System.out.print("POP "); writeN(instr.length); writeD(instr.operand); break; case JUMP: System.out.print("JUMP "); blankN(); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); break; case JUMPI: System.out.print("JUMPI "); break; case JUMPIF: System.out.print("JUMPIF"); writeN(instr.length); writeD(instr.operand); writeR('[', instr.register, ']'); break; case HALT: System.out.print("HALT "); } } /** * Writes all instructions of the program in code store. */ private static void disassembleProgram() { for (int addr = Machine.CB; addr < CT; addr++) { System.out.print(addr + ": "); writeInstruction(Machine.code[addr]); System.out.println(); } } // LOADING /** * Loads the TAM object program into code store from the named file. * * @param objectName the name of the file containing the program. */ static void loadObjectProgram(String objectName) { FileInputStream objectFile = null; DataInputStream objectStream = null; int addr; boolean finished = false; try { objectFile = new FileInputStream(objectName); objectStream = new DataInputStream(objectFile); addr = Machine.CB; while (!finished) { Machine.code[addr] = Instruction.read(objectStream); if (Machine.code[addr] == null) finished = true; else addr = addr + 1; } CT = addr; objectFile.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException s) { CT = Machine.CB; System.err.println("Error opening object file: " + s); } catch (IOException s) { CT = Machine.CB; System.err.println("Error reading object file: " + s); } } // DISASSEMBLE public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("********** TAM Disassembler (Sun Version 2.1) **********"); if (args.length == 1) objectName = args[0]; else objectName = "obj.tam"; loadObjectProgram(objectName); disassembleProgram(); } }