/* * @(#)SingleFormalParameterSequence.java 2.1 2003/10/07 * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 D.A. Watt and D.F. Brown * Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland * and School of Computer and Math Sciences, The Robert Gordon University, * St. Andrew Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HG, Scotland. * All rights reserved. * * This software is provided free for educational use only. It may * not be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission * of the authors. */ package Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees; import Triangle.SyntacticAnalyzer.SourcePosition; public class SingleFormalParameterSequence extends FormalParameterSequence { public SingleFormalParameterSequence(FormalParameter fpAST, SourcePosition thePosition) { super(thePosition); FP = fpAST; } public Object visit(Visitor v, Object o) { return v.visitSingleFormalParameterSequence(this, o); } public boolean equals(Object fpsAST) { if (fpsAST instanceof SingleFormalParameterSequence) { SingleFormalParameterSequence sfpsAST = (SingleFormalParameterSequence) fpsAST; return FP.equals(sfpsAST.FP); } else return false; } public FormalParameter FP; }