/* * @(#)Interpreter.java 2.1 2003/10/07 * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 D.A. Watt and D.F. Brown * Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland * and School of Computer and Math Sciences, The Robert Gordon University, * St. Andrew Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HG, Scotland. * All rights reserved. * * This software is provided free for educational use only. It may * not be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission * of the authors. */ package triangle.abstractMachine; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; public class Interpreter { static String objectName; // DATA STORE static int[] data = new int[1024]; // DATA STORE REGISTERS AND OTHER REGISTERS final static int CB = 0, SB = 0, HB = 1024; // = upper bound of data array + 1 static int CT, CP, ST, HT, LB, status; // status values final static int running = 0, halted = 1, failedDataStoreFull = 2, failedInvalidCodeAddress = 3, failedInvalidInstruction = 4, failedOverflow = 5, failedZeroDivide = 6, failedIOError = 7; static long accumulator; static int content(int r) { var register = Register.values()[r]; return content(register); } static int content(Register r) { // Returns the current content of register r, // even if r is one of the pseudo-registers L1..L6. switch (r) { case CB: return CB; case CT: return CT; case PB: return Machine.PB; case PT: return Machine.PT; case SB: return SB; case ST: return ST; case HB: return HB; case HT: return HT; case LB: return LB; case L1: return data[LB]; case L2: return data[data[LB]]; case L3: return data[data[data[LB]]]; case L4: return data[data[data[data[LB]]]]; case L5: return data[data[data[data[data[LB]]]]]; case L6: return data[data[data[data[data[data[LB]]]]]]; case CP: return CP; default: return 0; } } // PROGRAM STATUS static void dump() { // Writes a summary of the machine state. System.out.println(""); System.out.println("State of data store and registers:"); System.out.println(""); if (HT == HB) System.out.println(" |--------| (heap is empty)"); else { System.out.println(" HB-->"); System.out.println(" |--------|"); for (var addr = HB - 1; addr >= HT; addr--) { System.out.print(addr + ":"); if (addr == HT) System.out.print(" HT-->"); else System.out.print(" "); System.out.println("|" + data[addr] + "|"); } System.out.println(" |--------|"); } System.out.println(" |////////|"); System.out.println(" |////////|"); if (ST == SB) System.out.println(" |--------| (stack is empty)"); else { var dynamicLink = LB; var staticLink = LB; var localRegNum = Register.LB; System.out.println(" ST--> |////////|"); System.out.println(" |--------|"); for (var addr = ST - 1; addr >= SB; addr--) { System.out.print(addr + ":"); if (addr == SB) System.out.print(" SB-->"); else if (addr == staticLink) { switch (localRegNum) { case LB: System.out.print(" LB-->"); break; case L1: System.out.print(" L1-->"); break; case L2: System.out.print(" L2-->"); break; case L3: System.out.print(" L3-->"); break; case L4: System.out.print(" L4-->"); break; case L5: System.out.print(" L5-->"); break; case L6: System.out.print(" L6-->"); break; default: break; } staticLink = data[addr]; localRegNum = Register.values()[localRegNum.ordinal() + 1]; } else System.out.print(" "); if ((addr == dynamicLink) && (dynamicLink != SB)) System.out.print("|SL=" + data[addr] + "|"); else if ((addr == dynamicLink + 1) && (dynamicLink != SB)) System.out.print("|DL=" + data[addr] + "|"); else if ((addr == dynamicLink + 2) && (dynamicLink != SB)) System.out.print("|RA=" + data[addr] + "|"); else System.out.print("|" + data[addr] + "|"); System.out.println(""); if (addr == dynamicLink) { System.out.println(" |--------|"); dynamicLink = data[addr + 1]; } } } System.out.println(""); } static void showStatus() { // Writes an indication of whether and why the program has terminated. System.out.println(""); switch (status) { case running: System.out.println("Program is running."); break; case halted: System.out.println("Program has halted normally."); break; case failedDataStoreFull: System.out.println("Program has failed due to exhaustion of Data Store."); break; case failedInvalidCodeAddress: System.out.println("Program has failed due to an invalid code address."); break; case failedInvalidInstruction: System.out.println("Program has failed due to an invalid instruction."); break; case failedOverflow: System.out.println("Program has failed due to overflow."); break; case failedZeroDivide: System.out.println("Program has failed due to division by zero."); break; case failedIOError: System.out.println("Program has failed due to an IO error."); break; } if (status != halted) dump(); } // INTERPRETATION static void checkSpace(int spaceNeeded) { // Signals failure if there is not enough space to expand the stack or // heap by spaceNeeded. if (HT - ST < spaceNeeded) status = failedDataStoreFull; } static boolean isTrue(int datum) { // Tests whether the given datum represents true. return (datum == Machine.trueRep); } static boolean equal(int size, int addr1, int addr2) { // Tests whether two multi-word objects are equal, given their common // size and their base addresses. boolean eq; int index; eq = true; index = 0; while (eq && (index < size)) if (data[addr1 + index] == data[addr2 + index]) index = index + 1; else eq = false; return eq; } static int overflowChecked(long datum) { // Signals failure if the datum is too large to fit into a single word, // otherwise returns the datum as a single word. if ((-Machine.maxintRep <= datum) && (datum <= Machine.maxintRep)) return (int) datum; else { status = failedOverflow; return 0; } } static int toInt(boolean b) { return b ? Machine.trueRep : Machine.falseRep; } static int currentChar; static int readInt() throws java.io.IOException { int temp = 0; int sign = 1; do { currentChar = System.in.read(); } while (Character.isWhitespace((char) currentChar)); if ((currentChar == '-') || (currentChar == '+')) do { sign = (currentChar == '-') ? -1 : 1; currentChar = System.in.read(); } while ((currentChar == '-') || currentChar == '+'); if (Character.isDigit((char) currentChar)) do { temp = temp * 10 + (currentChar - '0'); currentChar = System.in.read(); } while (Character.isDigit((char) currentChar)); return sign * temp; } static void callPrimitive(int primitiveDisplacement) { // Invokes the given primitive routine. int addr, size; char ch; var primitive = Primitive.values()[primitiveDisplacement]; switch (primitive) { case ID: break; // nothing to be done case NOT: data[ST - 1] = toInt(!isTrue(data[ST - 1])); break; case AND: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(isTrue(data[ST - 1]) & isTrue(data[ST])); break; case OR: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(isTrue(data[ST - 1]) | isTrue(data[ST])); break; case SUCC: data[ST - 1] = overflowChecked(data[ST - 1] + 1); break; case PRED: data[ST - 1] = overflowChecked(data[ST - 1] - 1); break; case NEG: data[ST - 1] = -data[ST - 1]; break; case ADD: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST - 1]; data[ST - 1] = overflowChecked(accumulator + data[ST]); break; case SUB: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST - 1]; data[ST - 1] = overflowChecked(accumulator - data[ST]); break; case MULT: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST - 1]; data[ST - 1] = overflowChecked(accumulator * data[ST]); break; case DIV: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST - 1]; if (data[ST] != 0) data[ST - 1] = (int) (accumulator / data[ST]); else status = failedZeroDivide; break; case MOD: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST - 1]; if (data[ST] != 0) data[ST - 1] = (int) (accumulator % data[ST]); else status = failedZeroDivide; break; case LT: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(data[ST - 1] < data[ST]); break; case LE: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(data[ST - 1] <= data[ST]); break; case GE: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(data[ST - 1] >= data[ST]); break; case GT: ST = ST - 1; data[ST - 1] = toInt(data[ST - 1] > data[ST]); break; case EQ: size = data[ST - 1]; // size of each comparand ST = ST - 2 * size; data[ST - 1] = toInt(equal(size, ST - 1, ST - 1 + size)); break; case NE: size = data[ST - 1]; // size of each comparand ST = ST - 2 * size; data[ST - 1] = toInt(!equal(size, ST - 1, ST - 1 + size)); break; case EOL: data[ST] = toInt(currentChar == '\n'); ST = ST + 1; break; case EOF: data[ST] = toInt(currentChar == -1); ST = ST + 1; break; case GET: ST = ST - 1; addr = data[ST]; try { currentChar = System.in.read(); } catch (java.io.IOException s) { status = failedIOError; } data[addr] = currentChar; break; case PUT: ST = ST - 1; ch = (char) data[ST]; System.out.print(ch); break; case GETEOL: try { while ((currentChar = System.in.read()) != '\n') ; } catch (java.io.IOException s) { status = failedIOError; } break; case PUTEOL: System.out.println(""); break; case GETINT: ST = ST - 1; addr = data[ST]; try { accumulator = readInt(); } catch (java.io.IOException s) { status = failedIOError; } data[addr] = (int) accumulator; break; case PUTINT: ST = ST - 1; accumulator = data[ST]; System.out.print(accumulator); break; case NEW: size = data[ST - 1]; checkSpace(size); HT = HT - size; data[ST - 1] = HT; break; case DISPOSE: ST = ST - 1; // no action taken at present break; } } static void interpretProgram() { // Runs the program in code store. Instruction currentInstr; // Initialize registers ... ST = SB; HT = HB; LB = SB; CP = CB; status = running; do { // Fetch instruction ... currentInstr = Machine.code[CP]; // Decode instruction ... var op = currentInstr.opCode; var r = currentInstr.register; var n = currentInstr.length; var d = currentInstr.operand; int addr; // Execute instruction ... switch (op) { case LOAD: addr = d + content(r); checkSpace(n); for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[ST + index] = data[addr + index]; ST = ST + n; CP = CP + 1; break; case LOADA: addr = d + content(r); checkSpace(1); data[ST] = addr; ST = ST + 1; CP = CP + 1; break; case LOADI: ST = ST - 1; addr = data[ST]; checkSpace(n); for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[ST + index] = data[addr + index]; ST = ST + n; CP = CP + 1; break; case LOADL: checkSpace(1); data[ST] = d; ST = ST + 1; CP = CP + 1; break; case STORE: addr = d + content(r); ST = ST - n; for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[addr + index] = data[ST + index]; CP = CP + 1; break; case STOREI: ST = ST - 1; addr = data[ST]; ST = ST - n; for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[addr + index] = data[ST + index]; CP = CP + 1; break; case CALL: addr = d + content(r); if (addr >= Machine.PB) { callPrimitive(addr - Machine.PB); CP = CP + 1; } else { checkSpace(3); if (0 <= n && n <= 15) data[ST] = content(n); // static link else status = failedInvalidInstruction; data[ST + 1] = LB; // dynamic link data[ST + 2] = CP + 1; // return address LB = ST; ST = ST + 3; CP = addr; } break; case CALLI: ST = ST - 2; addr = data[ST + 1]; if (addr >= Machine.PB) { callPrimitive(addr - Machine.PB); CP = CP + 1; } else { // data[ST] = static link already data[ST + 1] = LB; // dynamic link data[ST + 2] = CP + 1; // return address LB = ST; ST = ST + 3; CP = addr; } break; case RETURN: addr = LB - d; CP = data[LB + 2]; LB = data[LB + 1]; ST = ST - n; for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[addr + index] = data[ST + index]; ST = addr + n; break; case PUSH: checkSpace(d); ST = ST + d; CP = CP + 1; break; case POP: addr = ST - n - d; ST = ST - n; for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) data[addr + index] = data[ST + index]; ST = addr + n; CP = CP + 1; break; case JUMP: CP = d + content(r); break; case JUMPI: ST = ST - 1; CP = data[ST]; break; case JUMPIF: ST = ST - 1; if (data[ST] == n) CP = d + content(r); else CP = CP + 1; break; case HALT: status = halted; break; } if ((CP < CB) || (CP >= CT)) status = failedInvalidCodeAddress; } while (status == running); } // LOADING static void loadObjectProgram(String objectName) { // Loads the TAM object program into code store from the named file. FileInputStream objectFile = null; DataInputStream objectStream = null; int addr; boolean finished = false; try { objectFile = new FileInputStream(objectName); objectStream = new DataInputStream(objectFile); addr = Machine.CB; while (!finished) { Machine.code[addr] = Instruction.read(objectStream); if (Machine.code[addr] == null) finished = true; else addr = addr + 1; } CT = addr; objectFile.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException s) { CT = CB; System.err.println("Error opening object file: " + s); } catch (IOException s) { CT = CB; System.err.println("Error reading object file: " + s); } } // RUNNING public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("********** TAM Interpreter (Java Version 2.1) **********"); if (args.length == 1) objectName = args[0]; else objectName = "obj.tam"; loadObjectProgram(objectName); if (CT != CB) { interpretProgram(); showStatus(); } } }