! Program that will: read two ints, print their sum and their product. If they are the same, print "Same" ! Global Consts, Funcs. let type String ~ array 6 of Char; ! String type implemented, not used yet var num1 : Integer; var num2 : Integer; func sum(x : Integer, y : Integer) : Integer ~ x + y; ! Return x + y func product(x : Integer, y : Integer) : Integer ~ x * y; ! Return x * y func isSame(x : Integer, y : Integer) : Boolean ~ if x = y then true else false ! Main Loop in begin num1 := 0; num2 := 0; ! Init. values to 0 getint(var num1); getint(var num2); ! Get user input ! Sum putint(num1); put('+'); put(' '); putint(num2); put(' '); put('='); put(' '); putint(sum(num1, num2)); puteol(); puteol(); ! Product putint(num1); put(' '); put('*'); put(' '); putint(num2); put(' '); put('='); put(' '); putint(product(num1, num2)); puteol(); if isSame(num1, num2) = true then put('S'); put('a'); put('m'); put('e'); puteol(); else puteol(); end