#!/bin/bash RED='\033[0;31m' # Red GRN='\033[0;32m' # Green NC='\033[0m' # No Color file="" if [ -z "$1" ] then printf "${RED}Usage: $0 file${NC}" exit 1 # Exit with code 1, failure else file=$1 fi printf "${GRN}[INFO] Compiling file: $1.tri to $1.tam ...${NC}\n" # Compile to tam #java -cp build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.Compiler programs/$1.tri -o=$1.tam &> /dev/null #Quiet output, not handy! if java -cp build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.Compiler programs/$1.tri -o=$1.tam then printf "${GRN}[INFO] Running file: $1.tam ...${NC}\n" java -cp build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.abstractMachine.Interpreter $1.tam else printf "${RED}[ERROR] Could not complie $1.tri ...${NC}" exit 1 fi