if !has_key(g:, 'gemini_follow_redirects') " Do not set to false with the current gmni version " It doesn't output redirect header to stdout " Only use with submodule version let g:gemini_follow_redirects = v:true endif if !has_key(g:, 'gemini_max_redirects') let g:gemini_max_redirects = 5 endif if !has_key(g:, 'gemini_gmni_command') let g:gemini_gmni_command = shellescape(get(split(globpath(&rtp, 'gmni/gmni'), '\n'), 0, 'gmni')) endif if !has_key(g:, 'gemini_connect_with') let g:gemini_connect_with = 'gmni' endif let s:url_regexp = '\v^[^:]+:\/\/%([^\@]+\@)?([^:\/]+)%(:(\d+))?%(\/.*)?$' function! s:construct_command(url) if g:gemini_connect_with ==? 'gmni' return g:gemini_gmni_command . ' -j once -iN ' . (g:gemini_follow_redirects ? '-R ' . g:gemini_max_redirects . ' -L ' : '') . shellescape(a:url) . ' 2>/dev/null' endif let l:domain = substitute(a:url, s:url_regexp, '\1', '') let l:port = substitute(a:url, s:url_regexp, '\2', '') if l:port == '' let l:port = '1965' endif if g:gemini_connect_with ==? 'openssl' return 'echo ' . shellescape(a:url . "\r") . ' | openssl s_client -connect ' . shellescape(l:domain . ':' . l:port) . ' -quiet 2>/dev/null' endif if g:gemini_connect_with ==? 'ncat' return 'echo ' . shellescape(a:url) . ' | ncat -C --ssl --no-shutdown ' . shellescape(l:domain) . ' ' . shellescape(l:port) endif echoerr 'Gemini: invalid gemini_connect_with value: ' . shellescape(g:gemini_connect_with) return 'echo' endfunction let s:redirects = 0 function! s:read_gemini(url) let l:svpos = winsaveview() setlocal bl ro noswapfile bh=hide fenc= if &ft == '' setlocal ft=gmi else let &ft=&ft endif exe '%read ++bin !' . s:construct_command(a:url) keepjumps normal! ggJ let l:header = getline(1) let b:gemini_header = l:header keepjumps 1delete _ keepjumps call winrestview(l:svpos) if l:header[0] == '3' let l:new_url = trim(l:header[3:]) if has_key(g:, 'Gemini_redirect_function') && s:redirects < g:gemini_max_redirects let s:redirects += 1 let l:new_url = g:Gemini_redirect_function(l:new_url) if type(l:new_url) == 1 " String was returned 0file exe 'file ' . fnameescape(l:new_url) return s:read_gemini(l:new_url) endif else " This plugin doesn't know, how to join urls, " '/...', '//...' are not handled properly by :find call append(0, '=> ' . l:new_url . ' Redirect') endif let s:redirects = 0 return endif let s:redirects = 0 if l:header[0] == '1' let l:url = matchstr(a:url, '\v^[^\?\#]+') . '?' . s:uriencode(input(l:header[3:] . ': ')) 0file exe 'file ' . fnameescape(l:url) return s:read_gemini(l:url) endif if l:header[0] == '2' return endif if l:header == '' let l:header = 'No data' endif " Output doesn't seem to work from autocommands function! s:error_message(...) closure redraw echohl WarningMsg echomsg 'Gemini: ' . l:header echohl None endfunction call timer_start(0, funcref('s:error_message')) return endfunction function! s:uriencode(str) let l:res = '' let l:digits = '0123456789ABCDEF' for l:i in range(len(a:str)) let l:c = a:str[l:i] if match(l:c, '\v^[A-Za-z0-9_]$') == -1 let l:n = char2nr(l:c) let l:lo = l:digits[l:n % 16] let l:hi = l:digits[l:n / 16] let l:c = '%' . l:hi . l:lo endif let l:res .= l:c endfor return l:res endfunction aug GeminiProtocol au! au BufReadCmd gemini://* exe "sil doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(expand(""))|call s:read_gemini(expand(""))|exe "sil doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("")) au FileReadCmd gemini://* exe "sil doau FileReadPre ".fnameescape(expand(""))|call s:read_gemini(expand(""))|exe "sil doau FileReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("")) aug END