Object = require("libs/classic") require("constants") WF = require("libs/windfield") STI = require("libs/sti") World = WF.newWorld(0, 0) --no gravity --World:setQueryDebugDrawing(true) -- Draws the area of a query for 10 frames World:addCollisionClass("Player1") World:addCollisionClass("Bullet1") World:addCollisionClass("Player2") World:addCollisionClass("Bullet2") World:addCollisionClass("Wall") World:addCollisionClass("PowerUp") require("gui") require("powerups/powerup") require("powerups/speed") require("restart") require("truncate") require("player") require("bullet") require("mapsloader") require("Game/UpdateGame") require("Menu/UpdateMenu") require("Pause/UpdatePause") require("Win/UpdateWin") require("Game/DrawGame") require("Menu/DrawMenu") require("Pause/DrawPause") require("Win/DrawWin") require("Game/GameKeyPressed") require("Menu/MenuKeyPressed") require("Pause/PauseKeyPressed") require("Win/WinKeyPressed") --Fonts used in the game GameFont = love.graphics.newFont("assets/Daydream.ttf", 60) DebugFont = love.graphics.newFont("assets/Daydream.ttf", 12) MenuFont = love.graphics.newFont("assets/Daydream.ttf", 45) Walls = {} -- Music streaming musicMenu = love.audio.newSource("music/menu.mp3", "stream") or nil musicBattle = love.audio.newSource("music/battle.mp3", "stream") or nil --musicStory = love.audio.newSource("music/story.mp3", "stream") or nil musicPause = musicBattle:clone() musicPause:setFilter({ type = "lowpass", volume = 0.7, highgain = 0.4, }) function love.run() if love.load then love.load(love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg), arg) end -- We don't want the first frame's dt to include time taken by love.load. if love.timer then love.timer.step() end local dt = 0 -- Main loop time. return function() -- Process events. if love.event then love.event.pump() for name, a, b, c, d, e, f in love.event.poll() do if name == "quit" then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return a or 0 end end love.handlers[name](a, b, c, d, e, f) end end -- Update dt, as we'll be passing it to update if love.timer then dt = love.timer.step() end -- Call update and draw if love.update then love.update(dt) end -- will pass 0 if love.timer is disabled if love.graphics and love.graphics.isActive() then love.graphics.origin() love.graphics.clear(love.graphics.getBackgroundColor()) if love.draw then love.draw() end love.graphics.present() end if love.timer then love.timer.sleep(0.001) end end end function love.resized() --TOD0: fix scaling! end function love.load() -- Set a random seed love.math.setRandomSeed(love.timer.getTime()) -- Figure out the X_SCALE and Y_SCALE local curWidth, curHeight = love.graphics.getDimensions() _G.X_SCALE = truncate(curWidth / GAME_WORLD_DIM_WIDTH, 3) _G.Y_SCALE = truncate(curHeight / GAME_WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT, 3) --Game values (reset after each load) HEALTH = 3 P1_DELAY = 0.5 P2_DELAY = 0.5 --Bullet lists Bullets1 = {} Bullets2 = {} --PowerUp stuff PowerUps = {} PUTimeToPlace = _G.PU_TIMER DebugFlag = false EnableKeyPress1 = true KeyPressTime1 = 0 KeyDelay1 = P1_DELAY EnableKeyPress2 = true KeyPressTime2 = 0 KeyDelay2 = P2_DELAY --TODO: two player speeds for upgrades UserPlayer1 = Player(1, 1000, 100, HEALTH, "assets/player1.png", 12000) UserPlayer2 = Player(2, 200, 300, HEALTH, "assets/player2.png", 12000) --STI Map loading LoadMap(_G.CUR_LEVEL) end function love.keypressed(key) if _G.GAMESTATE == "MENU" then MenuKeyPressed(key) end if _G.GAMESTATE == "PAUSE" then PauseKeyPressed(key) end if _G.GAMESTATE == "GAME" then GameKeyPressed(key) end if _G.GAMESTATE == "WIN" then WinKeyPressed(key) end end function love.update(dt) if _G.GAMESTATE == "MENU" then UpdateMenu(dt) -- Handle music if not musicMenu:isPlaying() and not _G.MUTED then musicMenu:setVolume(0.5) love.audio.play(musicMenu) end end if _G.GAMESTATE == "PAUSE" then UpdatePause(dt) -- Handle music if not musicPause:isPlaying() and not _G.MUTED then musicBattle:setVolume(0) musicPause:setVolume(0.5) love.audio.play(musicBattle) love.audio.play(musicPause) end end if _G.GAMESTATE == "GAME" then UpdateGame(dt) -- Handle music if not musicBattle:isPlaying() and not _G.MUTED then musicBattle:setVolume(0.5) musicPause:setVolume(0) love.audio.play(musicBattle) love.audio.play(musicPause) end end if _G.GAMESTATE == "WIN" then UpdateWin(dt) end end function love.draw() if _G.GAMESTATE == "MENU" then DrawMenu() end if _G.GAMESTATE == "PAUSE" then DrawPause() end if _G.GAMESTATE == "GAME" then DrawGame() end if _G.GAMESTATE == "WIN" then DrawWin() end end