Player = Object:extend() cos = math.cos sin = math.sin --optimisation -- Constructor for the Player class function Player:new(p, x, y, health, image, speed) self.p = p self.image = self.x = x self.y = y = health self.speed = speed self.width = self.image:getWidth() self.height = self.image:getHeight() -- Collision Stuff --self.collider = World:newRectangleCollider(x, y, 50, 62) self.collider = World:newCircleCollider(x, y, 24) self.collider:setFixedRotation(true) if self.p == 1 then self.collider:setCollisionClass("Player1") elseif self.p == 2 then self.collider:setCollisionClass("Player2") end -- Rotation Stuff self.rotation = math.rad(90) self.rotSpeed = 2 self.scaleX = 1 self.scaleY = 1 self.originX = self.width / 2 self.originY = self.height / 2 --Velocity self.vx = 0 self.vy = 0 -- Bullets shot self.shot = 0 end -- Method to handle shooting function Player:shoot(bulletSpeed) if self.shot <= 10 then self.shot = self.shot + 1 local offsetX = cos(self.rotation) * self.width * 1.5 local offsetY = sin(self.rotation) * self.height * 1.5 local bulletX = self.x + offsetX local bulletY = self.y + offsetY local newBullet = Bullet(bulletX, bulletY, self.p, bulletSpeed, self.rotation) return newBullet else return nil end end function Player:handleKeys(up, down, left, right, dt) self.vx, self.vy = 0, 0 --reset every frame if love.keyboard.isDown(up) then self.vx = cos(self.rotation) * (self.speed * dt) self.vy = sin(self.rotation) * (self.speed * dt) elseif love.keyboard.isDown(down) then self.vx = cos(self.rotation) * (self.speed / 2 * dt) * -1 self.vy = sin(self.rotation) * (self.speed / 2 * dt) * -1 elseif love.keyboard.isDown(left) then self.rotation = self.rotation - (self.rotSpeed * dt) elseif love.keyboard.isDown(right) then self.rotation = self.rotation + (self.rotSpeed * dt) end self.collider:setLinearVelocity(self.vx, self.vy) end function Player:updateCol() if self.p == 1 then self.x = self.collider:getX() self.y = self.collider:getY() elseif self.p == 2 then self.x = self.collider:getX() self.y = self.collider:getY() end end -- Update method for the Player class function Player:update(dt) local bulletSpeed = 20000 if EnableKeyPress1 == true and self.p == 1 then if love.keyboard.isDown("space") then local newBullet = self:shoot(bulletSpeed) table.insert(Bullets1, newBullet) KeyPressTime1 = KeyDelay1 EnableKeyPress1 = false end end if EnableKeyPress2 == true and self.p == 2 then if love.keyboard.isDown("return") then local newBullet = self:shoot(bulletSpeed) table.insert(Bullets2, newBullet) KeyPressTime2 = KeyDelay2 EnableKeyPress2 = false end end end function Player:draw(), self.x, self.y, self.rotation, self.scaleX, self.scaleY, self.originX, self.originY) end