MLib ==== __MLib__ is a math and shape-intersection detection library written in Lua. It's aim is to be __robust__ and __easy to use__. __NOTE:__ - I am (slowly) working on completely rewriting this in order to be easier to use and less bug-prone. You can check out the progress [here](../../tree/dev). - I am currently slowing development of MLib while moving over to helping with [CPML]( To discuss this, please comment [here](../../issues/12). If you are looking for a library that handles updating/collision responses for you, take a look at [hxdx]( It uses MLib functions as well as Box2d to handle physics calculations. ## Downloading You can download the latest __stable__ version of MLib by downloading the latest [release](../../releases/). You can download the latest __working__ version of MLib by downloading the latest [commit](../../commits/master/). Documentation will __only__ be updated upon releases, not upon commits. ## Implementing To use MLib, simply place [mlib.lua](mlib.lua) inside the desired folder in your project. Then use the `require ''` to use any of the functions. ## Examples If you don't have [LÖVE]( installed, you can download the .zip of the demo from the [Executables](Examples/Executables) folder and extract and run the .exe that way. You can see some examples of the code in action [here](Examples). All examples are done using the *awesome* engine of [LÖVE]( To run them properly, download the [.love file](Examples/LOVE) and install LÖVE to your computer. After that, make sure you set .love files to open with "love.exe". For more, see [here]( ## When should I use MLib? - If you need to know exactly where two objects intersect. - If you need general mathematical equations to be done. - If you need very precise details about point intersections. ## When should I __not__ use MLib? - All of the objects in a platformer, or other game, for instance, should not be registered with MLib. Only ones that need very specific information. - When you don't need precise information/odd shapes. ## Specs #### For Windows If you run Windows and have Telescope in `%USERPROFILE%\Documents\GitHub` (you can also manually change the path in [test.bat](test.bat)) you can simply run [test.bat](test.bat) and it will display the results, and then clean up after it's finished. #### Default Alternatively, you can find the tests [here](spec.lua). Keep in mind that you may need to change certain semantics to suit your OS. You can run them via [Telescope]( and type the following command in the command-line of the root folder: ``` tsc -f specs.lua ``` If that does not work, you made need to put a link to Lua inside of the folder for `telescope` and run the following command: ``` lua tsc -f specs.lua ``` If you encounter further errors, try to run the command line as an administrator (usually located in `C:\Windows\System32\`), then right-click on `cmd.exe` and select `Run as administrator`, then do ``` cd C:\Path\to\telescope\ ``` And __then__ run one of the above commands. If none of those work, just take my word for it that all the tests pass and look at this picture. ![Success](Reference Pictures/Success.png) ## Functions - [mlib.line](#mlibline) - [mlib.line.checkPoint](#mliblinecheckpoint) - [mlib.line.getClosestPoint](#mliblinegetclosestpoint) - [mlib.line.getYIntercept](#mliblinegetintercept) - [mlib.line.getIntersection](#mliblinegetintersection) - [mlib.line.getLength](#mliblinegetlength) - [mlib.line.getMidpoint](#mliblinegetmidpoint) - [mlib.line.getPerpendicularSlope](#mliblinegetperpendicularslope) - [mlib.line.getSegmentIntersection](#mliblinegetsegmentintersection) - [mlib.line.getSlope](#mliblinegetslope) - [mlib.segment](#mlibsegment) - [mlib.segment.checkPoint](#mlibsegmentcheckpoint) - [mlib.segment.getPerpendicularBisector](#mlibsegmentgetperpendicularbisector) - [mlib.segment.getIntersection](#mlibsegmentgetintersection) - [mlib.polygon](#mlibpolygon) - [mlib.polygon.checkPoint](#mlibpolygoncheckpoint) - [mlib.polygon.getCentroid](#mlibpolygongetcentroid) - [mlib.polygon.getCircleIntersection](#mlibpolygongetcircleintersection) - [mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection](#mlibpolygongetlineintersection) - [mlib.polygon.getPolygonArea](#mlibpolygongetpolygonarea) - [mlib.polygon.getPolygonIntersection](#mlibpolygongetpolygonintersection) - [mlib.polygon.getSegmentIntersection](#mlibpolygongetsegmentintersection) - [mlib.polygon.getSignedPolygonArea](#mlibpolygongetsignedpolygonarea) - [mlib.polygon.getTriangleHeight](#mlibpolygongettriangleheight) - [mlib.polygon.isCircleInside](#mlibpolygoniscircleinside) - [mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside](#mlibpolygoniscirclecompletelyinside) - [mlib.polygon.isPolygonInside](#mlibpolygonispolygoninside) - [mlib.polygon.isPolygonCompletelyInside](#mlibpolygonispolygoncompletelyinside) - [mlib.polygon.isSegmentInside](#mlibpolygonissegmentinside) - [mlib.polygon.isSegmentCompletelyInside](#mlibpolygonissegmentcompletelyinside) - [](#mlibcircle) - [](#mlibcirclecheckpoint) - [](#mlibcirclegetarea) - [](#mlibcirclegetcircleintersection) - [](#mlibcirclegetcircumference) - [](#mlibcirclegetlineintersection) - [](#mlibcirclegetsegmentintersection) - [](#mlibcircleiscirclecompletelyinside) - [](#mlibcircleiscirclecompletelyinsidepolygon) - [](#mlibcircleispointoncircle) - [](#mlibcircleispolygoncompletelyinside) - [mlib.statistics](#mlibstatistics) - [mlib.statistics.getCentralTendency](#mlibstatisticsgetcentraltendency) - [mlib.statistics.getDispersion](#mlibstatisticsgetdispersion) - [mlib.statistics.getMean](#mlibstatisticsgetmean) - [mlib.statistics.getMedian](#mlibstatisticsgetmedian) - [mlib.statistics.getMode](#mlibstatisticsgetmode) - [mlib.statistics.getRange](#mlibstatisticsgetrange) - [mlib.statistics.getStandardDeviation](#mlibstatisticsgetstandarddeviation) - [mlib.statistics.getVariance](#mlibstatisticsgetvariance) - [mlib.statistics.getVariationRatio](#mlibstatisticsgetvariationratio) - [mlib.math](#mlibmath) - [mlib.math.getAngle](#mlibmathgetangle) - [mlib.math.getPercentage](#mlibmathgetpercentage) - [mlib.math.getPercentOfChange](#mlibmathgetpercentofchange) - [mlib.math.getQuadraticRoots](#mlibmathgetquadraticroots) - [mlib.math.getRoot](#mlibmathgetroot) - [mlib.math.getSummation](#mlibmathgetsummation) - [mlib.math.isPrime](#mlibmathisprime) - [mlib.math.round](#mlibmathround) - [Aliases](#aliases) #### mlib.line - Deals with linear aspects, such as slope and length. ##### mlib.line.checkPoint - Checks if a point lies on a line. - Synopsis: - `onPoint = mlib.line.checkPoint( px, px, x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `px`, `py`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the point being tested. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates of the line being tested. - Returns: - `onPoint`: Boolean. - `true` if the point is on the line. - `false` if it does not. - Notes: - You cannot use the format `mlib.line.checkPoint( px, px, slope, intercept )` because this would lead to errors on vertical lines. ##### mlib.line.getClosestPoint - Gives the closest point to a line. - Synopses: - `cx, cy = mlib.line.getClosestPoint( px, py, x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - `cx, cy = mlib.line.getClosestPoint( px, py, slope, intercept )` - Arguments: - `x`, `y`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the point. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates on the line. - `slope`, `intercept`: - Numbers. The slope and y-intercept of the line. - Booleans (`false`). The slope and y-intercept of a vertical line. - Returns: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The closest points that lie on the line to the point. ##### mlib.line.getYIntercept - Gives y-intercept of the line. - Synopses: - `intercept, isVertical = mlib.line.getYIntercept( x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - `intercept, isVertical = mlib.line.getYIntercept( x1, y1, slope )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates that lie on the line. - `slope`: - Number. The slope of the line. - Returns: - `intercept`: - Number. The y-intercept of the line. - Number. The `x1` coordinate of the line if the line is vertical. - `isVertical`: - Boolean. `true` if the line is vertical, `false` if the line is not vertical. ##### mlib.line.getIntersection - Gives the intersection of two lines. - Synopses: - `x, y = mlib.line.getIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )` - `x, y = mlib.line.getIntersection( slope1, intercept1, x3, y3, x4, y4 )` - `x, y = mlib.line.getIntersection( slope1, intercept1, slope2, intercept2 )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates that lie on the first line. - `x3`, `y3`, `x4`, `y4`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates that lie on the second line. - `slope1`, `intercept1`: - Numbers. The slope and y-intercept of the first line. - Booleans (`false`). The slope and y-intercept of the first line (if the first line is vertical). - `slope2`, `intercept2`: - Numbers. The slope and y-intercept of the second line. - Booleans (`false`). The slope and y-intercept of the second line (if the second line is vertical). - Returns: - `x`, `y`: - Numbers. The x and y coordinate where the lines intersect. - Boolean: - `true`, `nil`: The lines are collinear. - `false`, `nil`: The lines are parallel and __not__ collinear. ##### mlib.line.getLength - Gives the distance between two points. - Synopsis: - `length = mlib.line.getLength( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - Returns: - `length`: Number. The distance between the two points. ##### mlib.line.getMidpoint - Gives the midpoint of two points. - Synopsis: - `x, y = mlib.line.getMidpoint( x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - Returns: - `x`, `y`: Numbers. The midpoint x and y coordinates. ##### mlib.line.getPerpendicularSlope - Gives the perpendicular slope of a line. - Synopses: - `perpSlope = mlib.line.getPerpendicularSlope( x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - `perpSlope = mlib.line.getPerpendicularSlope( slope )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - `slope`: Number. The slope of the line. - Returns: - `perpSlope`: - Number. The perpendicular slope of the line. - Boolean (`false`). The perpendicular slope of the line (if the original line was horizontal). ##### mlib.line.getSegmentIntersection - Gives the intersection of a line segment and a line. - Synopses: - `x1, y1, x2, y2 = mlib.line.getSegmentIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )` - `x1, y1, x2, y2 = mlib.line.getSegmentIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, slope, intercept )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates that lie on the line segment. - `x3`, `y3`, `x4`, `y4`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates that lie on the line. - `slope`, `intercept`: - Numbers. The slope and y-intercept of the the line. - Booleans (`false`). The slope and y-intercept of the line (if the line is vertical). - Returns: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: - Number, Number, Number, Number. - The points of the line segment if the line and segment are collinear. - Number, Number, Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`). - The coordinate of intersection if the line and segment intersect and are not collinear. - Boolean (`false`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`), - Boolean (`nil`). If the line and segment don't intersect. ##### mlib.line.getSlope - Gives the slope of a line. - Synopsis: - `slope = mlib.line.getSlope( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - Returns: - `slope`: - Number. The slope of the line. - Boolean (`false`). The slope of the line (if the line is vertical). #### mlib.segment - Deals with line segments. ##### mlib.segment.checkPoint - Checks if a point lies on a line segment. - Synopsis: - `onSegment = mlib.segment.checkPoint( px, py, x1 y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `px`, `py`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the point being checked. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - Returns: - `onSegment`: Boolean. - `true` if the point lies on the line segment. - `false` if the point does not lie on the line segment. ##### mlib.segment.getPerpendicularBisector - Gives the perpendicular bisector of a line. - Synopsis: - `x, y, slope = mlib.segment.getPerpendicularBisector( x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - Returns: - `x`, `y`: Numbers. The midpoint of the line. - `slope`: - Number. The perpendicular slope of the line. - Boolean (`false`). The perpendicular slope of the line (if the original line was horizontal). ##### mlib.segment.getIntersection - Checks if two line segments intersect. - Synopsis: - `cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 = mlib.segment.getIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 x4, y4 )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates of the first line segment. - `x3`, `y3`, `x4`, `y4`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates of the second line segment. - Returns: - `cx1`, `cy1`, `cx2`, `cy2`: - Number, Number, Number, Number. - The points of the resulting intersection if the line segments are collinear. - Number, Number, Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`). - The point of the resulting intersection if the line segments are not collinear. - Boolean (`false`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`) , Boolean (`nil`). - If the line segments don't intersect. #### mlib.polygon - Handles aspects involving polygons. ##### mlib.polygon.checkPoint - Checks if a point is inside of a polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.checkPoint( px, py, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.checkPoint( px, py, ... )` - Arguments: - `px`, `py`: Numbers. The x and y coordinate of the point being checked. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the point is inside the polygon. - `false` if the point is not inside the polygon. ##### mlib.polygon.getCentroid - Returns the centroid of the polygon. - Synopses: - `cx, cy = mlib.polygon.getCentroid( vertices )` - `cx, cy = mlib.polygon.getCentroid( ... )` - Arguments: - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the centroid. ##### mlib.polygon.getCircleIntersection - Returns the coordinates of where a circle intersects a polygon. - Synopses: - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getCircleIntersection( cx, cy, radius, vertices )` - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getCircleIntersection( cx, cy, radius, ... ) - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Number. The coordinates of the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. Contains the intersections and type. - Example: ```lua local tab = _.polygon.getCircleIntersection( 5, 5, 1, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6 ) for i = 1, # tab do print( i .. ':', unpack( tab[i] ) ) end -- 1: tangent 5 4 -- 2: tangent 6 5 -- 3: tangent 5 6 -- 4: tagnent 4 5 ``` - For more see [](#mlibcirclegetsegmentintersection) or the [specs](spec.lua# L676) ##### mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection - Returns the coordinates of where a line intersects a polygon. - Synopses: - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, vertices )` - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, ... ) - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. Contains the intersections. - Notes: - With collinear lines, they are actually broken up. i.e. `{ 0, 4, 0, 0 }` would become `{ 0, 4 }, { 0, 0 }`. ##### mlib.polygon.getPolygonArea - Gives the area of a polygon. - Synopses: - `area = mlib.polygon.getArea( vertices )` - `area = mlib.polygon.getArea( ... ) - Arguments: - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `area`: Number. The area of the polygon. ##### mlib.polygon.getPolygonIntersection - Gives the intersection of two polygons. - Synopsis: - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getPolygonIntersections( polygon1, polygon2 )` - Arguments: - `polygon1`: Table. The vertices of the first polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `polygon2`: Table. The vertices of the second polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. A table of the points of intersection. ##### mlib.polygon.getSegmentIntersection - Returns the coordinates of where a line segmeing intersects a polygon. - Synopses: - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getSegmentIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, vertices )` - `intersections = mlib.polygon.getSegmentIntersection( x1, y1, x2, y2, ... ) - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. Contains the intersections. - Notes: - With collinear line segments, they are __not__ broken up. See the [specs](spec.lua# L508) for more. ##### mlib.polygon.getSignedPolygonArea - Gets the signed area of the polygon. If the points are ordered counter-clockwise the area is positive. If the points are ordered clockwise the number is negative. - Synopses: - `area = mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection( vertices )` - `area = mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection( ... ) - Arguments: - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `area`: Number. The __signed__ area of the polygon. If the points are ordered counter-clockwise the area is positive. If the points are ordered clockwise the number is negative. ##### mlib.polygon.getTriangleHeight - Gives the height of a triangle. - Synopses: - `height = mlib.polygon.getTriangleHeigh( base, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )` - `height = mlib.polygon.getTriangleHeight( base, area )` - Arguments: - `base`: Number. The length of the base of the triangle. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`, `x3`, `y3`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the triangle. - `area`: Number. The regular area of the triangle. __Not__ the signed area. - Returns: - `height`: Number. The height of the triangle. ##### mlib.polygon.isCircleInside - Checks if a circle is inside the polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleInside( cx, cy, radius, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleInside( cx, cy, radius, ... )` - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates for the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the circle is inside the polygon. - `false` if the circle is not inside the polygon. - Notes: - Only returns true if the center of the circle is inside the circle. ##### mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside - Checks if a circle is completely inside the polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside( cx, cy, radius, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside( cx, cy, radius, ... )` - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates for the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the circle is __completely__ inside the polygon. - `false` if the circle is not inside the polygon. ##### mlib.polygon.isPolygonInside - Checks if a polygon is inside a polygon. - Synopsis: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isPolygonInside( polygon1, polygon2 )` - Arguments: - `polygon1`: Table. The vertices of the first polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `polygon2`: Table. The vertices of the second polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the `polygon2` is inside of `polygon1`. - `false` if `polygon2` is not inside of `polygon2`. - Notes: - Returns true as long as any of the line segments of `polygon2` are inside of the `polygon1`. ##### mlib.polygon.isPolygonCompletelyInside - Checks if a polygon is completely inside a polygon. - Synopsis: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isPolygonCompletelyInside( polygon1, polygon2 )` - Arguments: - `polygon1`: Table. The vertices of the first polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `polygon2`: Table. The vertices of the second polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the `polygon2` is __completely__ inside of `polygon1`. - `false` if `polygon2` is not inside of `polygon2`. ##### mlib.polygon.isSegmentInside - Checks if a line segment is inside a polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isSegmentInside( x1, y1, x2, y2, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isSegmentInside( x1, y1, x2, y2, ... )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the line segment. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the line segment is inside the polygon. - `false` if the line segment is not inside the polygon. - Note: - Only one of the points has to be in the polygon to be considered 'inside' of the polygon. - This is really just a faster version of [mlib.polygon.getPolygonIntersection](#mlibpolygongetpolygonintersection) that does not give the points of intersection. ##### mlib.polygon.isSegmentCompletelyInside - Checks if a line segment is completely inside a polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isSegmentCompletelyInside( x1, y1, x2, y2, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isSegmentCompletelyInside( x1, y1, x2, y2, ... )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the line segment. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the line segment is __completely__ inside the polygon. - `false` if the line segment is not inside the polygon. #### - Handles aspects involving circles. ##### - Checks if a point is on the inside or on the edge the circle. - Synopsis: - `inCircle = px, px, cx, cy, radius )` - Arguments: - `px`, `py`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the point being tested. - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - Returns: - `inCircle`: Boolean. - `true` if the point is inside or on the circle. - `false` if the point is outside of the circle. ##### - Gives the area of a circle. - Synopsis: - `area = radius )` - Arguments: - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - Returns: - `area`: Number. The area of the circle. ##### - Gives the intersections of two circles. - Synopsis: - `intersections = c1x, c1y, radius1, c2x, c2y, radius2 ) - Arguments: - `c1x`, `c1y`: Numbers. The x and y coordinate of the first circle. - `radius1`: Number. The radius of the first circle. - `c2x`, `c2y`: Numbers. The x and y coordinate of the second circle. - `radius2`: Number. The radius of the second circle. - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. A table that contains the type and where the circle collides. See the [specs](spec.lua# L698) for more. ##### - Returns the circumference of a circle. - Synopsis: - `circumference = radius )` - Arguments: - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - Returns: - `circumference`: Number. The circumference of a circle. ##### - Returns the intersections of a circle and a line. - Synopsis: - `intersections = cx, cy, radius, x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates for the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. Two x and y coordinates the lie on the line. - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. A table with the type and where the intersections happened. Table is formatted: - `type`, `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2` - String (`'secant'`), Number, Number, Number, Number - The numbers are the x and y coordinates where the line intersects the circle. - String (`'tangent'`), Number, Number, Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`) - `x1` and `x2` represent where the line intersects the circle. - Boolean (`false`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`) - No intersection. - For more see the [specs](spec.lua# L660). ##### - Returns the intersections of a circle and a line segment. - Synopsis: - `intersections = cx, cy, radius, x1, y1, x2, y2 )` - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates for the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. The two x and y coordinates of the line segment. - Returns: - `intersections`: Table. A table with the type and where the intersections happened. Table is formatted: - `type`, `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2` - String (`'chord'`), Number, Number, Number, Number - The numbers are the x and y coordinates where the line segment is on both edges of the circle. - String (`'enclosed'`), Number, Number, Number, Number - The numbers are the x and y coordinates of the line segment if it is fully inside of the circle. - String (`'secant'`), Number, Number, Number, Number - The numbers are the x and y coordinates where the line segment intersects the circle. - String (`'tangent'`), Number, Number, Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`) - `x1` and `x2` represent where the line segment intersects the circle. - Boolean (`false`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`), Boolean (`nil`) - No intersection. - For more see the [specs](spec.lua# L676). ##### - Checks if one circle is completely inside of another circle. - Synopsis: - `completelyInside = c1x, c1y, c1radius, c2x, c2y, c2radius )` - Arguments: - `c1x`, `c1y`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the first circle. - `c1radius`: Number. The radius of the first circle. - `c2x`, `c2y`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the second circle. - `c2radius`: Number. The radius of the second circle. - Returns: - `completelyInside`: Boolean. - `true` if circle1 is inside of circle2. - `false` if circle1 is not __completely__ inside of circle2. ##### - Checks if a circle is completely inside the polygon. - Synopses: - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside( cx, cy, radius, vertices )` - `inPolygon = mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside( cx, cy, radius, ... )` - Arguments: - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates for the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `vertices`: Table. The vertices of the polygon in the format `{ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... }` - `...`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the polygon. (Same as using `unpack( vertices )`) - Returns: - `inPolygon`: Boolean. - `true` if the circle is __completely__ inside the polygon. - `false` if the circle is not inside the polygon. ##### - Checks if a point is __exactly__ on the edge of the circle. - Synopsis: - `onCircle = px, px, cx, cy, radius )` - Arguments: - `px`, `py`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the point being tested. - `cx`, `cy`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the center of the circle. - `radius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - Returns: - `onCircle`: Boolean. - `true` if the point is on the circle. - `false` if the point is on the inside or outside of the circle. - Notes: - Will return false if the point is inside __or__ outside of the circle. ##### - Checks if a polygon is completely inside of a circle. - Synopsis: - `completelyInside = circleX, circleY, circleRadius, vertices )` - `completelyInside = circleX, circleY, circleRadius, ... )` - Arguments: - `circleX`, `circleY`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the circle. - `circleRadius`: Number. The radius of the circle. - `vertices`: Table. A table containing all of the vertices of the polygon. - `...`: Numbers. All of the points of the polygon. - Returns: - `completelyInside`: Boolean. - `true` if the polygon is inside of the circle. - `false` if the polygon is not __completely__ inside of the circle. #### mlib.statistics - Handles statistical aspects of math. ##### mlib.statistics.getCentralTendency - Gets the central tendency of the data. - Synopses: - `modes, occurrences, median, mean = mlib.statistics.getCentralTendency( data )` - `modes, occurrences, median, mean = mlib.statistics.getCentralTendency( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `modes, occurrences`: Table, Number. The modes of the data and the number of times it occurs. See [mlib.statistics.getMode](#mlibstatisticsgetmode). - `median`: Number. The median of the data set. - `mean`: Number. The mean of the data set. ##### mlib.statistics.getDispersion - Gets the dispersion of the data. - Synopses: - `variationRatio, range, standardDeviation = mlib.statistics.getDispersion( data )` - `variationRatio, range, standardDeviation = mlib.statistics.getDispersion( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `variationRatio`: Number. The variation ratio of the data set. - `range`: Number. The range of the data set. - `standardDeviation`: Number. The standard deviation of the data set. ##### mlib.statistics.getMean - Gets the arithmetic mean of the data. - Synopses: - `mean = mlib.statistics.getMean( data )` - `mean = mlib.statistics.getMean( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `mean`: Number. The arithmetic mean of the data set. ##### mlib.statistics.getMedian - Gets the median of the data set. - Synopses: - `median = mlib.statistics.getMedian( data )` - `median = mlib.statistics.getMedian( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `median`: Number. The median of the data. ##### mlib.statistics.getMode - Gets the mode of the data set. - Synopses: - `mode, occurrences = mlib.statistics.getMode( data )` - `mode, occurrences = mlib.statistics.getMode( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `mode`: Table. The mode(s) of the data. - `occurrences`: Number. The number of time the mode(s) occur. ##### mlib.statistics.getRange - Gets the range of the data set. - Synopses: - `range = mlib.statistics.getRange( data )` - `range = mlib.statistics.getRange( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `range`: Number. The range of the data. ##### mlib.statistics.getStandardDeviation - Gets the standard deviation of the data. - Synopses: - `standardDeviation = mlib.statistics.getStandardDeviation( data )` - `standardDeviation = mlib.statistics.getStandardDeviation( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `standardDeviation`: Number. The standard deviation of the data set. ##### mlib.statistics.getVariance - Gets the variation of the data. - Synopses: - `variance = mlib.statistics.getVariance( data )` - `variance = mlib.statistics.getVariance( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `variance`: Number. The variation of the data set. ##### mlib.statistics.getVariationRatio - Gets the variation ratio of the data. - Synopses: - `variationRatio = mlib.statistics.getVariationRatio( data )` - `variationRatio = mlib.statistics.getVariationRatio( ... )` - Arguments: - `data`: Table. A table containing the values of data. - `...`: Numbers. All of the numbers in the data set. - Returns: - `variationRatio`: Number. The variation ratio of the data set. #### mlib.math - Miscellaneous functions that have no home. ##### mlib.math.getAngle - Gets the angle between three points. - Synopsis: - `angle = mlib.math.getAngle( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )` - Arguments: - `x1`, `y1`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the first point. - `x2`, `y2`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the vertex of the two points. - `x3`, `y3`: Numbers. The x and y coordinates of the second point. ##### mlib.math.getPercentage - Gets the percentage of a number. - Synopsis: - `percentage = mlib.math.getPercentage( percent, number )` - Arguments: - `percent`: Number. The decimal value of the percent (i.e. 100% is 1, 50% is .5). - `number`: Number. The number to get the percentage of. - Returns: - `percentage`: Number. The `percent`age or `number`. ##### mlib.math.getPercentOfChange - Gets the percent of change from one to another. - Synopsis: - `change = mlib.math.getPercentOfChange( old, new )` - Arguments: - `old`: Number. The original number. - `new`: Number. The new number. - Returns: - `change`: Number. The percent of change from `old` to `new`. ##### mlib.math.getQuadraticRoots - Gets the quadratic roots of the the equation. - Synopsis: - `root1, root2 = mlib.math.getQuadraticRoots( a, b, c )` - Arguments: - `a`, `b`, `c`: Numbers. The a, b, and c values of the equation `a * x ^ 2 + b * x ^ 2 + c`. - Returns: - `root1`, `root2`: Numbers. The roots of the equation (where `a * x ^ 2 + b * x ^ 2 + c = 0`). ##### mlib.math.getRoot - Gets the `n`th root of a number. - Synopsis: - `x = mlib.math.getRoot( number, root )` - Arguments: - `number`: Number. The number to get the root of. - `root`: Number. The root. - Returns: - `x`: The `root`th root of `number`. - Example: ```lua local a = mlib.math.getRoot( 4, 2 ) -- Same as saying 'math.pow( 4, .5 )' or 'math.sqrt( 4 )' in this case. local b = mlib.math.getRoot( 27, 3 ) print( a, b ) --> 2, 3 ``` - For more, see the [specs](spec.lua# L860). ##### mlib.math.getSummation - Gets the summation of numbers. - Synopsis: - `summation = mlib.math.getSummation( start, stop, func )` - Arguments: - `start`: Number. The number at which to start the summation. - `stop`: Number. The number at which to stop the summation. - `func`: Function. The method to add the numbers. - Arguments: - `i`: Number. Index. - `previous`: Table. The previous values used. - Returns: - `Summation`: Number. The summation of the numbers. - For more, see the [specs](spec.lua# L897). ##### mlib.math.isPrime - Checks if a number is prime. - Synopsis: - `isPrime = mlib.math.isPrime( x )` - Arguments: - `x`: Number. The number to check if it's prime. - Returns: - `isPrime`: Boolean. - `true` if the number is prime. - `false` if the number is not prime. ##### mlib.math.round - Rounds a number to the given decimal place. - Synopsis: - `rounded = mlib.math.round( number, [place] ) - Arguments: - `number`: Number. The number to round. - `place (1)`: Number. The decimal place to round to. Defaults to 1. - Returns: - The rounded number. - For more, see the [specs](spec.lua# L881). #### Aliases | Alias | Corresponding Function | | ----------------------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | milb.line.getDistance | [mlib.line.getLength](#mliblinegetlength) | | mlib.line.getCircleIntersection | [](#mlibcirclegetlineintersection) | | milb.line.getPolygonIntersection | [mlib.polygon.getLineIntersection](#mlibpolygongetlineintersection) | | mlib.line.getLineIntersection | [mlib.line.getIntersection](#mliblinegetintersection) | | mlib.segment.getCircleIntersection | [](#mlibcirclegetsegmentintersection) | | milb.segment.getPolygonIntersection | [mlib.pollygon.getSegmentIntersection](#mlibpollygongetsegmentintersection) | | mlib.segment.getLineIntersection | [mlib.line.getSegmentIntersection](#mliblinegetsegmentintersection) | | mlib.segment.getSegmentIntersection | [mlib.segment.getIntersection](#mlibsegmentgetintersection) | | milb.segment.isSegmentCompletelyInsideCircle | [](#mlibcircleissegmentcompletelyinside) | | mlib.segment.isSegmentCompletelyInsidePolygon | [mlib.polygon.isSegmentCompletelyInside](#mlibpolygonissegmentcompletelyinside) | | | [mlib.polygon.getCircleIntersection](#mlibpolygongetcircleintersection) | | | [mlib.polygon.isCircleInside](#mlibpolygoniscircleinside) | | | [mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyInside](#mlibpolygoniscirclecompletelyinside) | | mlib.polygon.isCircleCompletelyOver | [mlib.circleisPolygonCompletelyInside](#mlibcircleispolygoncompletelyinside) | ## License A math library made in Lua copyright (C) 2014 Davis Claiborne This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Contact me at davisclaib at