function GameKeyPressed(key) if key == "escape" then if not MUTED then musicBattle:setVolume(0) musicPause:setVolume(0.6) else musicBattle:setVolume(0) musicPause:setVolume(0) end _G.GAMESTATE = "PAUSE" --print("STATE CHANEGD: PAUSED!") _G.PAUSED = true end if key == "b" and not _G.PAUSED then DebugFlag = not DebugFlag end if key == "r" and not _G.PAUSED then RestartGame() _G.GAMESTATE = "GAME" love.load() end if key == "m" then _G.MUTED = not _G.MUTED -- Need to set the battle music to mute if _G.MUTED then musicBattle:setVolume(0) else musicBattle:setVolume(0.5) end end if DebugFlag and key == "1" then UserPlayer1.speed = 50000 print("player1 speed increased!") end if DebugFlag and key == "2" then _G.CUR_LEVEL = 2 RestartGame() love.load() end if DebugFlag and key == "3" then _G.CUR_LEVEL = 3 RestartGame() love.load() end end