function PauseKeyPressed(key) if key == "return" then musicBattle:setVolume(0.5) musicPause:setVolume(0) -- 0 Return to game -- 1 Quit if PAUSE_POS == 0 then -- unpause the game _G.GAMESTATE = "GAME" print("STATE CHANEGD: GAME!") _G.PAUSED = false musicBattle:setVolume(0.5) musicPause:setVolume(0) elseif PAUSE_POS == 1 then _G.GAMESTATE = "MENU" print("STATE CHANEGD: MENU!") _G.PAUSED = false musicPause:stop() musicBattle:stop() elseif PAUSE_POS == 2 then love.event.quit() end end if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then if _G.PAUSE_POS == 0 then _G.PAUSE_POS = 0 else _G.PAUSE_POS = _G.PAUSE_POS - 1 end end if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then if _G.PAUSE_POS >= _G.PAUSE_MAX then _G.PAUSE_POS = _G.PAUSE_MAX else _G.PAUSE_POS = _G.PAUSE_POS + 1 end end end