local function title() local height = love.graphics.getHeight() / _G.Y_SCALE local width = love.graphics.getWidth() / _G.X_SCALE love.graphics.setFont(GameFont) love.graphics.setColor(0.5, 1, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("Tanks-A-Lot", 100, 100) end function DrawMenu() local bwidth, bheight = 300 * _G.X_SCALE, 140 * _G.Y_SCALE title() GUI:newButton(100, 200, bwidth, bheight, "Play", MENU_POS == 0 and true or false) GUI:newButton(100, 350, bwidth, bheight, "???", MENU_POS == 1 and true or false) GUI:newButton(100, 500, bwidth, bheight, "???", MENU_POS == 2 and true or false) GUI:newButton(100, 650, bwidth, bheight, "Quit", MENU_POS == 3 and true or false) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) -- reset colours end