local function winner() local width = love.graphics.getWidth() / _G.X_SCALE local height = love.graphics.getHeight() / _G.Y_SCALE local opacity = 0.3 local s = "" if _G.P1_WIN then s = "P1 Win! R - Restart" end if _G.P2_WIN then s = "P2 Win! R - Restart" end if _G.P1_WIN or _G.P2_WIN then -- Overlay DrawGame() --Draw a single frame of the game love.graphics.setColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, opacity) --overlay opaque img love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, width, height) -- Who won text local sw, sh = MenuFont:getWidth(s), GameFont:getHeight(s) local centreX = width / 2 local centreY = height / 2 love.graphics.setFont(MenuFont) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) -- white love.graphics.print(s, centreX - sw / 2, centreY - sh / 2) -- who won love.graphics.print( "" .. _G.P1_COUNT .. ":" .. "" .. _G.P2_COUNT, (centreX - sw / 2), (centreY - sh / 2) - sh / 1.5 ) -- score end end function DrawWin() winner() love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) -- reset colours end