function love.load() Object = require("classic") require("player") require("bullet") WF = require("libs/windfield") STI = require("libs/sti") require("UpdateGame") require("DrawGame") require("KeyPressed") --WindField World = WF.newWorld(0, 0) --no gravity World:setQueryDebugDrawing(true) -- Draws the area of a query for 10 frames World:addCollisionClass("Player1") World:addCollisionClass("Bullet1") World:addCollisionClass("Player2") World:addCollisionClass("Bullet2") World:addCollisionClass("Wall") World:addCollisionClass("New") -- Used to make sure the bullet doesn't collide with the player that shot it --STI GameMap = STI("maps/map.lua") Walls = {} if GameMap.layers["Walls"] then for _, obj in ipairs(GameMap.layers["Walls"].objects) do local wall = World:newRectangleCollider(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height) wall:setType("static") table.insert(Walls, wall) Walls[#Walls]:setCollisionClass("Wall") end end --Fonts used in the game GameFont ="assets/Daydream.ttf", 60) DebugFont ="assets/Daydream.ttf", 12) HEALTH = 3 DELAY = 0.5 DebugFlag = false EnableKeyPress1 = true KeyPressTime1 = 0 KeyDelay1 = DELAY EnableKeyPress2 = true KeyPressTime2 = 0 KeyDelay2 = DELAY local playerSpeed = 12000 UserPlayer1 = Player(1, 1000, 100, HEALTH, "assets/player1.png", playerSpeed) UserPlayer2 = Player(2, 200, 300, HEALTH, "assets/player2.png", playerSpeed) Bullets1 = {} Bullets2 = {} end function love.keypressed(key) KeyPressed(key) end function love.update(dt) UpdateGame(dt) end function love.draw() DrawGame() if DebugFlag then"Debug Mode", 1200, 850) or "Please wait...") end end