package main import curl "./libs/odin-curl/" import "core:encoding/json" import "core:flags" import "core:fmt" import "core:mem" import vmem "core:mem/virtual" import "core:os" import "core:strings" import "core:time" HOST :: "" main :: proc() { arena: vmem.Arena arena_err := vmem.arena_init_growing(&arena) ensure(arena_err == nil) //make sure it doesnt fuck up arena_alloc := vmem.arena_allocator(&arena) defer vmem.arena_destroy(&arena) //clean up at end city := "" //city name e.g. London code := "" //code e.g. UK, JP, GE api_key := "" //openweather api key sb := strings.builder_make(allocator = arena_alloc) buf1: [64]u8 buf2: [64]u8 // parse os.args in this order // city -> code -> api_key program_name := os.args[0] if len(os.args) < 3 { print_usage() } else if len(os.args) > 4 { print_usage() } city = os.args[1] code = os.args[2] api_key = os.args[3] strings.write_string(&sb, HOST) strings.write_string(&sb, city) strings.write_string(&sb, ",") strings.write_string(&sb, code) strings.write_string(&sb, "&units=metric") strings.write_string(&sb, "&appid=") strings.write_string(&sb, api_key) full_url := strings.to_string(sb) data := curl_web(full_url) weather: WeatherResponse unmarshal_err := json.unmarshal_any(data, &weather) if unmarshal_err != nil { fmt.eprintln("Failed to unmarshal the file!") return } weather_location := weather_code := weather_resp :=[0].main weather_resp_detail :=[0].description temperature := weather.temp feels_like_temp := weather.feels_like temp_min := weather.temp_min temp_max := weather.temp_max sunset_time := time.to_string_hms_12(time.unix(weather.sunset, 0), buf1[:]) sunrise_time := time.to_string_hms_12(time.unix(weather.sunrise, 0), buf2[:]) fmt.println("Location:", weather_location) fmt.println("Country Code:", weather_code) fmt.println("Weather:", weather_resp) fmt.println("Weather Detail:", weather_resp_detail) //fmt.println("Weather Icon:", weather_icon) fmt.println("Temperature:", temperature) fmt.println("Feels Like Temperature:", feels_like_temp) fmt.println("Min Temperature:", temp_min) fmt.println("Max Temperature:", temp_max) fmt.println("Sunset Time:", sunset_time) fmt.println("Sunrise Time:", sunrise_time) }