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* @(#) 2.1 2003/10/07
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 D.A. Watt and D.F. Brown
* Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland
* and School of Computer and Math Sciences, The Robert Gordon University,
* St. Andrew Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HG, Scotland.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is provided free for educational use only. It may
* not be used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission
* of the authors.
package Triangle.CodeGenerator;
import Triangle.ErrorReporter;
import Triangle.StdEnvironment;
import Triangle.AbstractMachine.Instruction;
import Triangle.AbstractMachine.Machine;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.AST;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.AnyTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ArrayExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ArrayTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.AssignCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.BinaryExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.BinaryOperatorDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.BoolTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.CallCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.CallExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.CharTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.CharacterExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.CharacterLiteral;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ConstActualParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ConstDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ConstFormalParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Declaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.DotVname;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.EmptyActualParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.EmptyCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.EmptyExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.EmptyFormalParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ErrorTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.FuncActualParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.FuncDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.FuncFormalParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Identifier;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.IfCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.IfExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.IntTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.IntegerExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.IntegerLiteral;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.LetCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.LetExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.MultipleActualParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.MultipleArrayAggregate;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.MultipleFieldTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.MultipleFormalParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.MultipleRecordAggregate;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Operator;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ProcActualParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ProcDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.ProcFormalParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Program;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.RecordExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.RecordTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SequentialCommand;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SequentialDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SimpleTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SimpleVname;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SingleActualParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SingleArrayAggregate;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SingleFieldTypeDenoter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SingleFormalParameterSequence;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SingleRecordAggregate;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.SubscriptVname;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.TypeDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.UnaryExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.UnaryOperatorDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.VarActualParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.VarDeclaration;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.VarFormalParameter;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Visitor;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.Vname;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.VnameExpression;
import Triangle.AbstractSyntaxTrees.WhileCommand;
public final class Encoder implements Visitor {
// Commands
public Object visitAssignCommand(AssignCommand ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame);
encodeStore(ast.V, new Frame(frame, valSize.intValue()), valSize.intValue());
return null;
public Object visitCallCommand(CallCommand ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer argsSize = (Integer) ast.APS.visit(this, frame);
ast.I.visit(this, new Frame(frame.level, argsSize));
return null;
public Object visitEmptyCommand(EmptyCommand ast, Object o) {
return null;
public Object visitIfCommand(IfCommand ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int jumpifAddr, jumpAddr;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame);
jumpifAddr = nextInstrAddr;
emit(Machine.JUMPIFop, Machine.falseRep, Machine.CBr, 0);
ast.C1.visit(this, frame);
jumpAddr = nextInstrAddr;
emit(Machine.JUMPop, 0, Machine.CBr, 0);
patch(jumpifAddr, nextInstrAddr);
ast.C2.visit(this, frame);
patch(jumpAddr, nextInstrAddr);
return null;
public Object visitLetCommand(LetCommand ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int extraSize = ((Integer) ast.D.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
ast.C.visit(this, new Frame(frame, extraSize));
if (extraSize > 0)
emit(Machine.POPop, 0, 0, extraSize);
return null;
public Object visitSequentialCommand(SequentialCommand ast, Object o) {
ast.C1.visit(this, o);
ast.C2.visit(this, o);
return null;
public Object visitWhileCommand(WhileCommand ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int jumpAddr, loopAddr;
jumpAddr = nextInstrAddr;
emit(Machine.JUMPop, 0, Machine.CBr, 0);
loopAddr = nextInstrAddr;
ast.C.visit(this, frame);
patch(jumpAddr, nextInstrAddr);
ast.E.visit(this, frame);
emit(Machine.JUMPIFop, Machine.trueRep, Machine.CBr, loopAddr);
return null;
// Expressions
public Object visitArrayExpression(ArrayExpression ast, Object o) {
ast.type.visit(this, null);
return ast.AA.visit(this, o);
public Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
int valSize1 = ((Integer) ast.E1.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, valSize1);
int valSize2 = ((Integer) ast.E2.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
Frame frame2 = new Frame(frame.level, valSize1 + valSize2);
ast.O.visit(this, frame2);
return valSize;
public Object visitCallExpression(CallExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
Integer argsSize = (Integer) ast.APS.visit(this, frame);
ast.I.visit(this, new Frame(frame.level, argsSize));
return valSize;
public Object visitCharacterExpression(CharacterExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, ast.CL.spelling.charAt(1));
return valSize;
public Object visitEmptyExpression(EmptyExpression ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitIfExpression(IfExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize;
int jumpifAddr, jumpAddr;
ast.type.visit(this, null);
ast.E1.visit(this, frame);
jumpifAddr = nextInstrAddr;
emit(Machine.JUMPIFop, Machine.falseRep, Machine.CBr, 0);
valSize = (Integer) ast.E2.visit(this, frame);
jumpAddr = nextInstrAddr;
emit(Machine.JUMPop, 0, Machine.CBr, 0);
patch(jumpifAddr, nextInstrAddr);
valSize = (Integer) ast.E3.visit(this, frame);
patch(jumpAddr, nextInstrAddr);
return valSize;
public Object visitIntegerExpression(IntegerExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, Integer.parseInt(ast.IL.spelling));
return valSize;
public Object visitLetExpression(LetExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
ast.type.visit(this, null);
int extraSize = ((Integer) ast.D.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, extraSize);
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame1);
if (extraSize > 0)
emit(Machine.POPop, valSize.intValue(), 0, extraSize);
return valSize;
public Object visitRecordExpression(RecordExpression ast, Object o) {
ast.type.visit(this, null);
return ast.RA.visit(this, o);
public Object visitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
ast.E.visit(this, frame);
ast.O.visit(this, new Frame(frame.level, valSize.intValue()));
return valSize;
public Object visitVnameExpression(VnameExpression ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
Integer valSize = (Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null);
encodeFetch(ast.V, frame, valSize.intValue());
return valSize;
// Declarations
public Object visitBinaryOperatorDeclaration(BinaryOperatorDeclaration ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitConstDeclaration(ConstDeclaration ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int extraSize = 0;
if (ast.E instanceof CharacterExpression) {
CharacterLiteral CL = ((CharacterExpression) ast.E).CL;
ast.entity = new KnownValue(Machine.characterSize, characterValuation(CL.spelling));
} else if (ast.E instanceof IntegerExpression) {
IntegerLiteral IL = ((IntegerExpression) ast.E).IL;
ast.entity = new KnownValue(Machine.integerSize, Integer.parseInt(IL.spelling));
} else {
int valSize = ((Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
ast.entity = new UnknownValue(valSize, frame.level, frame.size);
extraSize = valSize;
return Integer.valueOf(extraSize);
public Object visitFuncDeclaration(FuncDeclaration ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int jumpAddr = nextInstrAddr;
int argsSize = 0, valSize = 0;
emit(Machine.JUMPop, 0, Machine.CBr, 0);
ast.entity = new KnownRoutine(Machine.closureSize, frame.level, nextInstrAddr);
if (frame.level == Machine.maxRoutineLevel)
reporter.reportRestriction("can't nest routines more than 7 deep");
else {
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame.level + 1, 0);
argsSize = ((Integer) ast.FPS.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
Frame frame2 = new Frame(frame.level + 1, Machine.linkDataSize);
valSize = ((Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame2)).intValue();
emit(Machine.RETURNop, valSize, 0, argsSize);
patch(jumpAddr, nextInstrAddr);
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitProcDeclaration(ProcDeclaration ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int jumpAddr = nextInstrAddr;
int argsSize = 0;
emit(Machine.JUMPop, 0, Machine.CBr, 0);
ast.entity = new KnownRoutine(Machine.closureSize, frame.level, nextInstrAddr);
if (frame.level == Machine.maxRoutineLevel)
reporter.reportRestriction("can't nest routines so deeply");
else {
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame.level + 1, 0);
argsSize = ((Integer) ast.FPS.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
Frame frame2 = new Frame(frame.level + 1, Machine.linkDataSize);
ast.C.visit(this, frame2);
emit(Machine.RETURNop, 0, 0, argsSize);
patch(jumpAddr, nextInstrAddr);
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitSequentialDeclaration(SequentialDeclaration ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int extraSize1, extraSize2;
extraSize1 = ((Integer) ast.D1.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, extraSize1);
extraSize2 = ((Integer) ast.D2.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(extraSize1 + extraSize2);
public Object visitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration ast, Object o) {
// just to ensure the type's representation is decided
ast.T.visit(this, null);
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitUnaryOperatorDeclaration(UnaryOperatorDeclaration ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitVarDeclaration(VarDeclaration ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int extraSize;
extraSize = ((Integer) ast.T.visit(this, null)).intValue();
emit(Machine.PUSHop, 0, 0, extraSize);
ast.entity = new KnownAddress(Machine.addressSize, frame.level, frame.size);
return Integer.valueOf(extraSize);
// Array Aggregates
public Object visitMultipleArrayAggregate(MultipleArrayAggregate ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int elemSize = ((Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, elemSize);
int arraySize = ((Integer) ast.AA.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(elemSize + arraySize);
public Object visitSingleArrayAggregate(SingleArrayAggregate ast, Object o) {
return ast.E.visit(this, o);
// Record Aggregates
public Object visitMultipleRecordAggregate(MultipleRecordAggregate ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int fieldSize = ((Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, fieldSize);
int recordSize = ((Integer) ast.RA.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(fieldSize + recordSize);
public Object visitSingleRecordAggregate(SingleRecordAggregate ast, Object o) {
return ast.E.visit(this, o);
// Formal Parameters
public Object visitConstFormalParameter(ConstFormalParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int valSize = ((Integer) ast.T.visit(this, null)).intValue();
ast.entity = new UnknownValue(valSize, frame.level, -frame.size - valSize);
return Integer.valueOf(valSize);
public Object visitFuncFormalParameter(FuncFormalParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int argsSize = Machine.closureSize;
ast.entity = new UnknownRoutine(Machine.closureSize, frame.level, -frame.size - argsSize);
return Integer.valueOf(argsSize);
public Object visitProcFormalParameter(ProcFormalParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int argsSize = Machine.closureSize;
ast.entity = new UnknownRoutine(Machine.closureSize, frame.level, -frame.size - argsSize);
return Integer.valueOf(argsSize);
public Object visitVarFormalParameter(VarFormalParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
ast.T.visit(this, null);
ast.entity = new UnknownAddress(Machine.addressSize, frame.level, -frame.size - Machine.addressSize);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.addressSize);
public Object visitEmptyFormalParameterSequence(EmptyFormalParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitMultipleFormalParameterSequence(MultipleFormalParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int argsSize1 = ((Integer) ast.FPS.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, argsSize1);
int argsSize2 = ((Integer) ast.FP.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(argsSize1 + argsSize2);
public Object visitSingleFormalParameterSequence(SingleFormalParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
return ast.FP.visit(this, o);
// Actual Parameters
public Object visitConstActualParameter(ConstActualParameter ast, Object o) {
return ast.E.visit(this, o);
public Object visitFuncActualParameter(FuncActualParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof KnownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).address;
// static link, code address
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), 0);
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.CBr, address.displacement);
} else if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof UnknownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.closureSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
} else if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof PrimitiveRoutine) {
int displacement = ((PrimitiveRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).displacement;
// static link, code address
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.SBr, 0);
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.PBr, displacement);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.closureSize);
public Object visitProcActualParameter(ProcActualParameter ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof KnownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).address;
// static link, code address
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), 0);
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.CBr, address.displacement);
} else if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof UnknownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.closureSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
} else if (ast.I.decl.entity instanceof PrimitiveRoutine) {
int displacement = ((PrimitiveRoutine) ast.I.decl.entity).displacement;
// static link, code address
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.SBr, 0);
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, Machine.PBr, displacement);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.closureSize);
public Object visitVarActualParameter(VarActualParameter ast, Object o) {
encodeFetchAddress(ast.V, (Frame) o);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.addressSize);
public Object visitEmptyActualParameterSequence(EmptyActualParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitMultipleActualParameterSequence(MultipleActualParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
int argsSize1 = ((Integer) ast.AP.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
Frame frame1 = new Frame(frame, argsSize1);
int argsSize2 = ((Integer) ast.APS.visit(this, frame1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(argsSize1 + argsSize2);
public Object visitSingleActualParameterSequence(SingleActualParameterSequence ast, Object o) {
return ast.AP.visit(this, o);
// Type Denoters
public Object visitAnyTypeDenoter(AnyTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitArrayTypeDenoter(ArrayTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
int typeSize;
if (ast.entity == null) {
int elemSize = ((Integer) ast.T.visit(this, null)).intValue();
typeSize = Integer.parseInt(ast.IL.spelling) * elemSize;
ast.entity = new TypeRepresentation(typeSize);
} else
typeSize = ast.entity.size;
return Integer.valueOf(typeSize);
public Object visitBoolTypeDenoter(BoolTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
if (ast.entity == null) {
ast.entity = new TypeRepresentation(Machine.booleanSize);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.booleanSize);
public Object visitCharTypeDenoter(CharTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
if (ast.entity == null) {
ast.entity = new TypeRepresentation(Machine.characterSize);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.characterSize);
public Object visitErrorTypeDenoter(ErrorTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitSimpleTypeDenoter(SimpleTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
public Object visitIntTypeDenoter(IntTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
if (ast.entity == null) {
ast.entity = new TypeRepresentation(Machine.integerSize);
return Integer.valueOf(Machine.integerSize);
public Object visitRecordTypeDenoter(RecordTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
int typeSize;
if (ast.entity == null) {
typeSize = ((Integer) ast.FT.visit(this, Integer.valueOf(0))).intValue();
ast.entity = new TypeRepresentation(typeSize);
} else
typeSize = ast.entity.size;
return Integer.valueOf(typeSize);
public Object visitMultipleFieldTypeDenoter(MultipleFieldTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
int offset = ((Integer) o).intValue();
int fieldSize;
if (ast.entity == null) {
fieldSize = ((Integer) ast.T.visit(this, null)).intValue();
ast.entity = new Field(fieldSize, offset);
} else
fieldSize = ast.entity.size;
Integer offset1 = Integer.valueOf(offset + fieldSize);
int recSize = ((Integer) ast.FT.visit(this, offset1)).intValue();
return Integer.valueOf(fieldSize + recSize);
public Object visitSingleFieldTypeDenoter(SingleFieldTypeDenoter ast, Object o) {
int offset = ((Integer) o).intValue();
int fieldSize;
if (ast.entity == null) {
fieldSize = ((Integer) ast.T.visit(this, null)).intValue();
ast.entity = new Field(fieldSize, offset);
} else
fieldSize = ast.entity.size;
return Integer.valueOf(fieldSize);
// Literals, Identifiers and Operators
public Object visitCharacterLiteral(CharacterLiteral ast, Object o) {
return null;
public Object visitIdentifier(Identifier ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
if (ast.decl.entity instanceof KnownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownRoutine) ast.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.CALLop, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), Machine.CBr, address.displacement);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof UnknownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownRoutine) ast.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.closureSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
emit(Machine.CALLIop, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof PrimitiveRoutine) {
int displacement = ((PrimitiveRoutine) ast.decl.entity).displacement;
if (displacement != Machine.idDisplacement)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, displacement);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof EqualityRoutine) { // "=" or "\="
int displacement = ((EqualityRoutine) ast.decl.entity).displacement;
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, frame.size / 2);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, displacement);
return null;
public Object visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral ast, Object o) {
return null;
public Object visitOperator(Operator ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
if (ast.decl.entity instanceof KnownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownRoutine) ast.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.CALLop, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), Machine.CBr, address.displacement);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof UnknownRoutine) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownRoutine) ast.decl.entity).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.closureSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
emit(Machine.CALLIop, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof PrimitiveRoutine) {
int displacement = ((PrimitiveRoutine) ast.decl.entity).displacement;
if (displacement != Machine.idDisplacement)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, displacement);
} else if (ast.decl.entity instanceof EqualityRoutine) { // "=" or "\="
int displacement = ((EqualityRoutine) ast.decl.entity).displacement;
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, frame.size / 2);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, displacement);
return null;
// Value-or-variable names
public Object visitDotVname(DotVname ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
RuntimeEntity baseObject = (RuntimeEntity) ast.V.visit(this, frame);
ast.offset = ast.V.offset + ((Field) ast.I.decl.entity).fieldOffset;
// I.decl points to the appropriate record field
ast.indexed = ast.V.indexed;
return baseObject;
public Object visitSimpleVname(SimpleVname ast, Object o) {
ast.offset = 0;
ast.indexed = false;
return ast.I.decl.entity;
public Object visitSubscriptVname(SubscriptVname ast, Object o) {
Frame frame = (Frame) o;
RuntimeEntity baseObject;
int elemSize, indexSize;
baseObject = (RuntimeEntity) ast.V.visit(this, frame);
ast.offset = ast.V.offset;
ast.indexed = ast.V.indexed;
elemSize = ((Integer) ast.type.visit(this, null)).intValue();
if (ast.E instanceof IntegerExpression) {
IntegerLiteral IL = ((IntegerExpression) ast.E).IL;
ast.offset = ast.offset + Integer.parseInt(IL.spelling) * elemSize;
} else {
// v-name is indexed by a proper expression, not a literal
if (ast.indexed)
frame.size = frame.size + Machine.integerSize;
indexSize = ((Integer) ast.E.visit(this, frame)).intValue();
if (elemSize != 1) {
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, elemSize);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.multDisplacement);
if (ast.indexed)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
ast.indexed = true;
return baseObject;
// Programs
public Object visitProgram(Program ast, Object o) {
return ast.C.visit(this, o);
public Encoder(ErrorReporter reporter) {
this.reporter = reporter;
nextInstrAddr = Machine.CB;
private ErrorReporter reporter;
// Generates code to run a program.
// showingTable is true iff entity description details
// are to be displayed.
public final void encodeRun(Program theAST, boolean showingTable) {
tableDetailsReqd = showingTable;
// startCodeGeneration();
theAST.visit(this, new Frame(0, 0));
emit(Machine.HALTop, 0, 0, 0);
// Decides run-time representation of a standard constant.
private final void elaborateStdConst(Declaration constDeclaration, int value) {
if (constDeclaration instanceof ConstDeclaration) {
ConstDeclaration decl = (ConstDeclaration) constDeclaration;
int typeSize = ((Integer) decl.E.type.visit(this, null)).intValue();
decl.entity = new KnownValue(typeSize, value);
// Decides run-time representation of a standard routine.
private final void elaborateStdPrimRoutine(Declaration routineDeclaration, int routineOffset) {
routineDeclaration.entity = new PrimitiveRoutine(Machine.closureSize, routineOffset);
private final void elaborateStdEqRoutine(Declaration routineDeclaration, int routineOffset) {
routineDeclaration.entity = new EqualityRoutine(Machine.closureSize, routineOffset);
private final void elaborateStdRoutine(Declaration routineDeclaration, int routineOffset) {
routineDeclaration.entity = new KnownRoutine(Machine.closureSize, 0, routineOffset);
private final void elaborateStdEnvironment() {
tableDetailsReqd = false;
elaborateStdConst(StdEnvironment.falseDecl, Machine.falseRep);
elaborateStdConst(StdEnvironment.trueDecl, Machine.trueRep);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.notDecl, Machine.notDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.andDecl, Machine.andDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.orDecl, Machine.orDisplacement);
elaborateStdConst(StdEnvironment.maxintDecl, Machine.maxintRep);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.addDecl, Machine.addDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.subtractDecl, Machine.subDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.multiplyDecl, Machine.multDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.divideDecl, Machine.divDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.moduloDecl, Machine.modDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.lessDecl, Machine.ltDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.notgreaterDecl, Machine.leDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.greaterDecl, Machine.gtDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.notlessDecl, Machine.geDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.chrDecl, Machine.idDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.ordDecl, Machine.idDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.eolDecl, Machine.eolDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.eofDecl, Machine.eofDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.getDecl, Machine.getDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.putDecl, Machine.putDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.getintDecl, Machine.getintDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.putintDecl, Machine.putintDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.geteolDecl, Machine.geteolDisplacement);
elaborateStdPrimRoutine(StdEnvironment.puteolDecl, Machine.puteolDisplacement);
elaborateStdEqRoutine(StdEnvironment.equalDecl, Machine.eqDisplacement);
elaborateStdEqRoutine(StdEnvironment.unequalDecl, Machine.neDisplacement);
// Saves the object program in the named file.
public void saveObjectProgram(String objectName) {
FileOutputStream objectFile = null;
DataOutputStream objectStream = null;
int addr;
try {
objectFile = new FileOutputStream(objectName);
objectStream = new DataOutputStream(objectFile);
addr = Machine.CB;
for (addr = Machine.CB; addr < nextInstrAddr; addr++)
} catch (FileNotFoundException s) {
System.err.println("Error opening object file: " + s);
} catch (IOException s) {
System.err.println("Error writing object file: " + s);
boolean tableDetailsReqd;
public static void writeTableDetails(AST ast) {
// Implementation notes:
// Object code is generated directly into the TAM Code Store, starting at CB.
// The address of the next instruction is held in nextInstrAddr.
private int nextInstrAddr;
// Appends an instruction, with the given fields, to the object code.
private void emit(int op, int n, int r, int d) {
Instruction nextInstr = new Instruction();
if (n > 255) {
reporter.reportRestriction("length of operand can't exceed 255 words");
n = 255; // to allow code generation to continue
nextInstr.op = op;
nextInstr.n = n;
nextInstr.r = r;
nextInstr.d = d;
if (nextInstrAddr == Machine.PB)
reporter.reportRestriction("too many instructions for code segment");
else {
Machine.code[nextInstrAddr] = nextInstr;
nextInstrAddr = nextInstrAddr + 1;
// Patches the d-field of the instruction at address addr.
private void patch(int addr, int d) {
Machine.code[addr].d = d;
public int characterValuation(String spelling) {
// Returns the machine representation of the given character literal.
return spelling.charAt(1);
// since the character literal is of the form 'x'}
// Returns the register number appropriate for object code at currentLevel
// to address a data object at objectLevel.
private int displayRegister(int currentLevel, int objectLevel) {
if (objectLevel == 0)
return Machine.SBr;
else if (currentLevel - objectLevel <= 6)
return Machine.LBr + currentLevel - objectLevel; // LBr|L1r|...|L6r
else {
reporter.reportRestriction("can't access data more than 6 levels out");
return Machine.L6r; // to allow code generation to continue
// Generates code to fetch the value of a named constant or variable
// and push it on to the stack.
// currentLevel is the routine level where the vname occurs.
// frameSize is the anticipated size of the local stack frame when
// the constant or variable is fetched at run-time.
// valSize is the size of the constant or variable's value.
private void encodeStore(Vname V, Frame frame, int valSize) {
RuntimeEntity baseObject = (RuntimeEntity) V.visit(this, frame);
// If indexed = true, code will have been generated to load an index value.
if (valSize > 255) {
reporter.reportRestriction("can't store values larger than 255 words");
valSize = 255; // to allow code generation to continue
if (baseObject instanceof KnownAddress) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownAddress) baseObject).address;
if (V.indexed) {
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), address.displacement + V.offset);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
emit(Machine.STOREIop, valSize, 0, 0);
} else {
emit(Machine.STOREop, valSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
address.displacement + V.offset);
} else if (baseObject instanceof UnknownAddress) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownAddress) baseObject).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.addressSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
if (V.indexed)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
if (V.offset != 0) {
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, V.offset);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
emit(Machine.STOREIop, valSize, 0, 0);
// Generates code to fetch the value of a named constant or variable
// and push it on to the stack.
// currentLevel is the routine level where the vname occurs.
// frameSize is the anticipated size of the local stack frame when
// the constant or variable is fetched at run-time.
// valSize is the size of the constant or variable's value.
private void encodeFetch(Vname V, Frame frame, int valSize) {
RuntimeEntity baseObject = (RuntimeEntity) V.visit(this, frame);
// If indexed = true, code will have been generated to load an index value.
if (valSize > 255) {
reporter.reportRestriction("can't load values larger than 255 words");
valSize = 255; // to allow code generation to continue
if (baseObject instanceof KnownValue) {
// presumably offset = 0 and indexed = false
int value = ((KnownValue) baseObject).value;
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, value);
} else if ((baseObject instanceof UnknownValue) || (baseObject instanceof KnownAddress)) {
ObjectAddress address = (baseObject instanceof UnknownValue) ? ((UnknownValue) baseObject).address
: ((KnownAddress) baseObject).address;
if (V.indexed) {
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), address.displacement + V.offset);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
emit(Machine.LOADIop, valSize, 0, 0);
} else
emit(Machine.LOADop, valSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
address.displacement + V.offset);
} else if (baseObject instanceof UnknownAddress) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownAddress) baseObject).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.addressSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
if (V.indexed)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
if (V.offset != 0) {
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, V.offset);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
emit(Machine.LOADIop, valSize, 0, 0);
// Generates code to compute and push the address of a named variable.
// vname is the program phrase that names this variable.
// currentLevel is the routine level where the vname occurs.
// frameSize is the anticipated size of the local stack frame when
// the variable is addressed at run-time.
private void encodeFetchAddress(Vname V, Frame frame) {
RuntimeEntity baseObject = (RuntimeEntity) V.visit(this, frame);
// If indexed = true, code will have been generated to load an index value.
if (baseObject instanceof KnownAddress) {
ObjectAddress address = ((KnownAddress) baseObject).address;
emit(Machine.LOADAop, 0, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level), address.displacement + V.offset);
if (V.indexed)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
} else if (baseObject instanceof UnknownAddress) {
ObjectAddress address = ((UnknownAddress) baseObject).address;
emit(Machine.LOADop, Machine.addressSize, displayRegister(frame.level, address.level),
if (V.indexed)
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);
if (V.offset != 0) {
emit(Machine.LOADLop, 0, 0, V.offset);
emit(Machine.CALLop, Machine.SBr, Machine.PBr, Machine.addDisplacement);