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42 lines
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# Term. colours for output
RED='\033[0;31m' # Red
GRN='\033[0;32m' # Green
YLLW='\033[0;33m' # Yellow
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
TRI="" #.tri file
# Check if the input in arg 1 ($1) is empty
if [ -z "$1" ]
then # if empty...
printf "${YLLW}Usage: $0 *.tri file (optional: $0 *.tri tree)${NC}"
exit 1 # Exit with code 1, failure
#Remove the extension of the file
FILENAME=$(echo $TRI | cut -f 1 -d '.')
printf "${YLLW}[INFO] Compiling file: $FILENAME.tri to $FILENAME.tam ...${NC}\n"
# Compile to tam
if java -cp ../build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.Compiler $FILENAME.tri -o=$FILENAME.tam &> /dev/null #quiet
then if [ -z "$2" ]
then #if second arg empty (really im not checking if you put tree)
printf "${GRN}[INFO] Running file: $FILENAME.tam ...${NC}\n"
java -cp ../build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.abstractMachine.Interpreter $FILENAME.tam
exit 0
else #youve put tree, so lets see it!
printf "${GRN}[INFO] Running file: $FILENAME.tam ... and displaying AST${NC}\n"
java -cp ../build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.Compiler $FILENAME.tri tree -o=$FILENAME.tam &> /dev/null #quiet
exit 0
else #error msg
printf "${RED}[ERROR] Could not complie $FILENAME.tri ...${NC}"
err=$(java -cp ../build/libs/Triangle-Tools.jar triangle.Compiler $FILENAME.tri -o=$FILENAME.tam)
printf "${RED}\n$err\n${NC}"
exit 1 #exit with 1, failure